So I don't know about you guys, but I've been dealing with a lot of thorns in the flesh this summer. No I don't just mean metaphorically...I mean real sharp thorns that stick in your skin and scratch you up so bad that people think you got attacked by a rabid squirrel.
Let me explain. I've got a job working for the Biology department this summer and my job description is "running around in the woods chasing birds". I'm pretty sure these particular birds scheme ahead of time to lead me through all the blackberry patches and thorn bushes in the county. I've heard that thorns are designed to protect the plants on which they are growing. I'm pretty sure that's not true. These things don't just protect the plant. They latch onto you and dig into your flesh. They cut you and stab you and a few particularly nasty types look like they could impale you. Heaven forbid that you get one in your shoe. Yeah, I'm pretty sure thorns are pure evil.
Actually, looking at scripture, this isn't too far from the truth. After Adam and Eve sinned, God said that the ground was cursed because of what Adam had done and that it would bring forth thorns and thistles. This is just one of the many examples of bad things brought into the world by the curse of our sin: pain, sorrow, death. All these things exist because man sinned. When we see-or possibly walk through-a thorny thicket, it should remind us of the seriousness of sin. When we experience sorrow or pain, we should realize that these terrible things are the fruit of our own sin and disobedience.
But there is good news. When Christ came to die for our sins, Scripture says that he became a curse for us. Isaiah describes him as "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3).
What was the crown that the Roman soldiers made for Jesus made of?
To the soldiers, it was just a cruel, torturous form of mockery but it also represented something greater. Jesus was taking on himself the curse of our sins. He took our curse upon himself so that, one day, we could live with him without the curse of sin. No more sorrow. No more pain. No more death. No more thorns.
When we see evidence of the curse, it should remind us of our sin, but it should also remind us of the Savior who became a curse for us.